Library Rules:

  1. Identity card is compulsory to all the Library Members.

  2. Everybody should carry the identity card while on the college campus&in the Library.

  3. Duplicate identity card will be issued after paying @ Rs.50/-.

  4. Graduate students, junior & MCVC college students will get ONE book for 7 days. ThereafterRs.1/-fine will be charged per day.

  5. Students should handle the books carefully. They should inform about missing pages to the library (counter) staff, the very moment of its issue.

  6. The lost / torn book will have to be replaced with latest edition. Otherwise, one & half the price of the latest edition will be charged.

  7. Reference books will not be issued out of the Library. However, they will be made available in the Reference Section.

  8. A reader should not mark, scratch, and detach any paragraph or figure from the books.

  9. Suggestion Box is kept in the Library. Constructive suggestions / complaints are welcome.

  10. In case of any grievances, contact the librarian.

  11. Smoking, spitting, sleeping, eating & chitchatting are strictly prohibited.

  12. Every reader should sign in the entry register.

  13. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the library.