Washi is the town around which near about 72 villages are situated. These villages have either primary or secondary schools where a large number of girls taking education but due to lack of accommodation facility in town their higher education come to a standstill position. Indeed to promote girl’s higher education, the hostels facility is a dire need of this hour. The college therefore, decides to run a well-developed and well-maintained hostel with all the requirements regarding self-study and carrier of girls, the future pillar of the nation. Started in June 2002, the hostel had only a ground floor of sixteen rooms having the capacity to accommodate 45 girls, but in reality accommodated total 66 girls. The strength of girls goes on increasing day by day. Hence taking into consideration the need of hour, the hostel plan was extended from ground floor to G + 2, making it a three-storied buildings with all the facilities including a mess. Today we provide the facilities of inverter, generator, coin-box, boiler and ample water for 24 hours, water-filter, water-cooler, & quite rich toilet facilities.

Excellence is our motto. Thought academic development is our major concern, we also look after their mental physical, intellectual developments. As it is the in situation founded by late Dr. Karamaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale, a visionary social reformer who dedicated himself for the purpose of education for poor, down trodden and women. His life itself is a torch-bearer for us to rich to our aims. So the hostel is not only a second home for girls where they can study & live comfortably for also we shoulder our responsibility to shift their carrier and future life. Thus we share our social responsibility very sincerely so that to inculcate in young girls the duty of loyalty to the society and ultimately to the nation.