Department   >  Science   >  Chemistry
Department Profile
In 1972 Shri.Shivaji Shikshan prasarak Mandal Barshi, Estabilised Karmveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya,in Washi Dist.Osmanabad which is rural area at that time. only two course I.e.Arts and Commerce.. The chemistry department of the Karmaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya is started 1989 i.e. nearly a last two decade after the college was established. This is one of the largest Arts, Science And Commerce College in rural area Affilated to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad( Maharashtra )And Chemistry Department has well eqiped Physical Chemistry, Organic And Inorganic Chemistry Laboratories The department offers instructions to students from Class XI upto under graduation. The average strength of undergraduate class is nearly 250 to 300 Students per Year
Aim & Objectives
- To develop the understanding of procedural knowledge.
- To develop the ability to explain the processes and applications related to science subjects.
- To develop an ability to handle the apparatus carefully, and use the resources wisely.
- To develop interest and motivation through laboratory which will lead to development of positive attitude?
- Apply skills and knowledge in real life situations.
- To develop scientific understanding of the physical world.
- An appreciation for the products and influences of science and technology.
- To develop a respect for evidence, rationality and intellectual honesty.
- To develop ability to work together.
- To develop an ability to express themselves coherently and logically.
Basic Safty Rules
- Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eye wash stations, and fire extinguishers. ...
- Know emergency exit routes.
- Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.
- Minimize all chemical exposures.
- No horseplay will be tolerated.
- Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic. The
- Know the Location of Safety Equipment. ...
- Dress for the Lab. ...
- Don't Eat or Drink in the Laboratory. ...
- Don't Taste or Sniff Chemicals. ...
- Don't Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory. ...
- Dispose of Lab Waste Properly
Teaching Staff
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Designation |
Qualifications |
View CV |
1 |
Mr. Jadhav R.R |
Associate professor |
M.Sc. |
2 |
Mr. Bansode R.N. |
Associate professor |
M.Sc. SET |
3 |
Mr. Choudhari V.C. |
Assistant professor |
M.Sc. SET |
Courses & Syllabus:
S.N. |
Course |
Syllabus |
1 |
F.Y.B.Sc. |
2 |
S.Y.B.Sc. |
3 |
T.Y.B.Sc. |
Programs & Outcomes
PO1: Scientific temperament: The programme inculcates scientific attitude in the minds of learners in physical, chemical, material, life and mathematical sciences. Students acquire scientific abilities such as logical thinking, problem solving approach, data collection and decision making and apply the same (BL6).
PO2: Basic scientific knowledge: Students acquire scientific knowledge to extract information, formulate and solve problems in a systematic manner (BL6).
PO3: Technical competence and practical skills: Learners acquire skills to handle basic scientific instruments following the general lab safety practices through experimental skills (BL6).
PO4: Creative thinking and numerical ability: It empowers the learners with creative thinking and numerical ability (BL6).
PO5: Environment and sustainability: It provides understanding of current environmental scenario and necessity of sustainability along with solutions. Students are made aware of environment related issues and sustainable technologydevelopment (BL3).
PO5: Competency: The programme prepares learners for post graduation and higher education. Students become eligible for appearing to competitive examinations such as MPSC/UPSC and banking (BL6).
Course Outcomes
B. Sc. Chemistry Paper I Inorganic Chemistry
CO1: To study the basics of atomic structure - Atomic orbitals, Quantum
numbers, Heisenberg uncertainty, Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles,
Hund's multiplicity rule. Electronic configurations of the elements,
Bohr's atomic model.
CO2: To understand some periodic properties - atomic and ionic radii,
ionization energy, electron affinity and electro negativity with reference to
trends in periodic table and application in predicting chemical behavior.
CO3: To study s- and p- block elements.
Paper No. II Organic Chemistry
CO1: To understand the basic concepts in organic chemistry- reactions,
reagents and mechanisms of organic reactions.
CO2: To study stereochemistry and its importance.
CO3: To familiarize open chain compounds like alkanes, alkenes and aromatic
compounds chemistry and their importance.
Paper V Physical Chemistry
CO1: To understand basic mathematical concepts - logarithmic relations,
curve sketching, linear graphs and calculation of slopes, differentiation of
functions simple mathematical functions, maxima and minima, partial
CO2: To understand kinetic theory of gases, kinetic gas equation, and gas laws
Boyles Law, Charles Law, Grahams Law of diffusion, Avogadro's
hypothesis, deviation from ideal behavior, van der Waals equation of
CO3: Critical Phenomena: PV isotherms of real gases.
CO4: To study chemical kinetics: Factors influencing the rate of reaction, rate
law and characteristics of simple chemical reactions - zero order, first
order, second order, Pseudo order, half-life. Arrhenius equation, concept
of activation energy. Catalysis: Definition, types, and characteristics,
Enzyme catalysis.
CO5: To understand basics of liquid and solid state - Intermolecular forces,
structures, liquid crystals: Classification, structure of nematic and
cholestric phases.
CO6: To study solids, Miller Indices, laws of crystallography, X-ray diffraction
by crystals. Derivation of Bragg equation.
CO7: To familiarize learners with colloidal state.
Paper VI Inorganic Chemistry - II
CO1: To understand chemical properties of the noble gases, chemistry of
xenon, structure and bonding in xenon compounds.
CO2: To understand types of bonds- ionic, covalent and coordinate, Hydrogen
bonding, Van-der-Waals forces, Metallic bond Theories of bonding - VBT,
VSEPR, MOT with formation and shapes of molecules.
CO3: To understand the basics of nuclear chemistry - Isotopes, Isobars mass,
Binding Energy, Packing fraction N/Z ratio, Radio activity, properties of
fundamental particles, Artificial transmutation. Applications with respect
to trans-uranic elements, carbon dating.
CO4: To study theory of volumetric analysis - Types of titrations, volumetric
apparatus, calibration of pipette and burette, indicators used in pH -
titrations, oxidizing agents used in titrations. Theory of internal, external
and self-indicators for redox titration.
(Organic Chemistry) Paper IX
CO1: To understand structure, reactivity, methods of preparation and
chemical reactions of different types of compounds - alcohols, Phenols,
aldehydes-ketones, amines and carboxylic acids.
CO2: To study named reactions- Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement, Fries
Rearrangement, Claisen Rearrangement, Gatterman Synthesis and
Reimer Tiemann Reaction, Baeyer-Villeger Oxidation, Benzoin, Aldol
Knoenenagel condensations, Mannich Reactions. Hoffmann Bromamide
Reactions, Gattermann Koch synthesis, Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky Reaction.
Regents in organic chemistry – LiAIH4, LTA, PTC.
CO3: To understand the basic functional group transformations, aromatic
electrophilic substitution reactions, nucleophilic additions.
(Physical Chemistry-I) Paper X
CO1: To understand the basic concepts in thermodynamics.
CO2: To understand the laws of thermodynamics and terms like W, q, du and
dH for the expansion of ideal gases under isothermal and adiabatic
conditions for reversible process, Hess’s law.
CO3: To study Carnot cycle, its applications, concept of entropy, Gibbs and
Helmholtz Functions, Criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium and
spontaneity, their advantage over entropy change. Variation A with P, V
and T.
CO4: To understand equilibrium constant and free energy - law of mass action,
Le Chatelier’s principle, Reaction isotherm and reaction isochore,
Clapeyron equation, Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
(Physical Chemistry-II) Paper XIV
CO1: To study the basic terms and laws- Henry law, Raoults law in phase
equilibrium and their applications.
CO2: To understand different systems- Water, Pb-Ag, Mg-Zn, FeCl3-H2O,
phenol-water, trimethyl amine - water, nicotine- water system, acetonedry
CO3: To understand the concept of ideal behavior and deviations from ideality.
CO4: To understand the concept of conductivity and its types, Kohlrausch’s
law, Arrhenius Theory of Electrolyte Dissociation, Ostwald’s dilution law,
Transport number: and its determination, Conductometric titrations.
CO5: To familiarize with types of reversible electrodes, Nernst Equation, Cell
E.M.F., single electrode potential, Reference electrodes, Electro-chemical
series, Electrolytic and galvanic cells, types of cells, Thermodynamic
quantities of cell reactions, Concepts - pH, pKa and their determination,
Buffers- types, and mechanism of action, Henderson- Hasselbalch
equation. Corrosion: Concept, types and electrochemical theory.
(Inorganic Chemistry) Paper XIII
CO1: To familiarize students with transition elements, lanthanides and
actinides with reference to characteristics, position in periodic table and
variation in periodic properties.
CO2: To understand concepts and theories in coordination compounds -
Werner’s co-ordination theory, EAN rule, VBT, isomerism, chelates.
CO3: To understand the concepts of acids and bases - Arrhenius, Bronsted-
Lawry, Lux-Flood, Solvent System and Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases
CO4: To study chemical reaction in non-aqueous solvents.
Paper XVII Physical Chemistry
CO1: To understand concepts in Quantum Mechanics - Black body radiation,
Planck’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, Bohr's modes of hydrogen
atom, Compton Effect. De Broglie Hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle, Harmiltonian operator, Schrödinger wave equation postulates
of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger wave equation for H-atom.
CO2: To study the basics of spectroscopy - Electromagnetic radiation, regions
of the spectrum, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Rotational Spectrum
- Diatomic molecules, energy levels of a rigid rotor (semi classical
principles), selection rule, rotational spectra of rigid diatomic molecule,
determination of bond length.
CO3: To understand photochemistry - Photochemical processes, laws of
photochemistry, Grothus - Drapper law, Stark-Einstein law, Jablonsiki
diagram qualitative description of fluorescence, phosphorescence,
nonradiative processes, quantum yield and photosensitized reactions.
CO4: To study some physical properties and their relation with the assingment
of molecular structure- Optical activity, dipole moment, magnetic
CO5: To introduce nano-materials - Properties, methods of synthesis and
CO6: To enable students to solve numerical problems.
Paper XVIII Organic Chemistry
CO1: To introduce learners to organic spectroscopy - 1H NMR, shielding and
deshielding, chemical shifts, interpretation of PMR spectra of simple
organic molecules, combined problems on UV, IR and PMR spectroscopic
CO2: To familiarize students with organometallic compounds - Structure,
methods of synthesis and synthetic applications of Grignard reagents,
Organozinc and organolithium compounds.
CO3: To understand organic synthesis via enolates - Active methylene
compounds, Claisen condensation, Acidity of alpha hydrogen and its
synthetic applications.
CO4: To introduce fats, oils and detergents - Saponification value, iodine
value, and acid value. Detergents preparation of sodium alkyl
sulphonate, alkyl benzene sulphonate, and amide sulphonate, cleansing
action of detergent.
Paper XIX Organic Chemistry
CO1: To understand nature of metal-ligand bonding in transition metal
complexes - crystal field theory with respect to octahedral, tetrahedral
and square planer complex.
CO2: To familiarize with electronic spectra of transition metal complexes.
CO3: To introduce organo metallic compounds - classification, nomenclature,
synthesis and reactions.
CO4: To study the roles and biological functions of metals in biological
CO5: To introduce chromatography - types, classification and applications.
Paper No. XVII Organic Chemistry
CO1: Curriculum benefits to study the heterocyclic compounds in details, their
aromatic characters and importance in medicinal chemistry, structure
elucidation of five and six member heterocyclic compounds using
molecular orbital theory.
CO2: To understand synthesis and properties of some five and six member
heterocyclic compounds.
CO3: To study carbohydrate chemistry and its importance.
CO4: To understand synthesis and properties of some polymers,
polymerization reactions.
CO5: To know constitution, classification, synthesis and properties of some
CO6: To understand constitution, classification, synthesis, properties and
applications of some drugs.
B. Sc. Analytical Chemistry ACH-101: Fundamentals of Anayltical
After study the course, a student is able to understand:
CO1: Scope and importance of analytical chemistry.
CO2: Sampling of analytical samples.
CO3: Types of reagents, solvents and their uses.
CO4: Safe working in laboratory.
CO5: Introduction to digital electronics and computers.
ACH-102 Paper-II Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry
A student is able to understand:
CO1: Construction and working of mechanical and electronic analytical
CO2: Chemical apparatus in laboratory and maintain of laboratory note book
CO3: Basics calculations in determination of concentration and ways of
expressing concentration.
CO4: Common laboratory apparatus
CO5: Concepts of acids and bases.
ACH‐201 Paper‐IV Statistical Treatment & Modern Methods of Analysis:
Students will be able to understand …..
CO1: Terms in statistical data analysis.
CO2: Fundamentals of chromatographic techniques.
CO3: Principle, instrumentation and applications of electrophoresis and flame
CO4: Awareness to environmental pollution.
ACH‐202 Paper‐V Classical and Spectral Methods of Analysis
CO1: Basic concepts, in titrimetric methods of analysis.
CO2: Basic concepts in gravimetric analysis.
CO3: Introduction to spectral method of analysis‐ UV-visible spectroscopy.
CO4: Introduction to precipitation titration.
CO5: Fundamentals of complexometric titrations & some basic concepts of
redox titrations.
ACH-301: Laboratory techniques: Inorganic and organic analysis
CO1: To understand theory of redox and idodometric acid-base indicators.
CO2: To study the basics of complexometric titrations.
CO3: To understand the methods of estimation of functional groups.
CO4: To understand the reactions of non-aqueous titrations.
CO5: To understand the common laboratory techniques.
ACH-302: Advance analytical techniques
CO1: To study the principals involved in solvent extraction.
CO2: To understand the basic principle, instrumentation and applications of
gas, column, affinity and ion exchange chromatography.
ACH-305: Instrumental methods of chemical analysis-I
Learners will be able to understand…..
CO1: Basic concepts in conductometry.
CO2: Basic concepts and applications of potentiometry.
CO3: Introduction to high frequency titrations.
CO4: Principle, instrumentation and applications of atomic absorption
spectroscopy, nephalometry and turbidometry.
ACH-306: Instrumental methods of chemical analysis-II
Learners will be introduced to…..
CO1: Principle, instrumentation and applications of polarography.
CO2: Physical methods of analysis-surface tension, viscosity etc.
CO3: Thermal methods of analysis - DTA, DSC.
CO4: Radiochemical methods of analysis.
CO5: Principle, instrumentation and applications of fluoremetry.
Shri. R. R. Jadhav:-
Attended one orientation and three refresher
courses. Participated in State level Seminar/ Conferences and workshops Worked as
CS, JCS and Moderator /Examiner for University Examination. Worked as Chairman
/member of university paper setting. . Chairman and member of vigiliance squad for
University examination. Worked as a chairman/member of various committees at college
level. Member of affiliation committee in various colleges. Worked as VC subject
expert, Management nominated subject expert.
Shri. R. N. Bansode:-
Attended one orientation and three
/ Conferences and workshops. Worked as CS, JCS and Moderator Paper setter ,
University Examination. Member of various committee of college level. Worked as
Programme Officer
Shri. V. C. Choudhari :-
Attended one orientation and three refresher courses
Sr No | Year | Status | Name Of Conference |
Alumni List
Sr No | Name | post | place |
1 | DrMete T.B. | Post doctoral,Rearcher,creative Research Initiative Center Department of chemistry | POHANG university of Science and Technology SOUTH KOREA |
2 | DrBhoge B. A | Post doctoral,fellow ( Research Scientist | National Cancer Institute of Health Frederick ,Meryland U.S.A . |
Future Plan
- Expansion and extension of laboratory
- Establishing a research laboratory where teachers will work for their research projects and guide students for dissertation.
- To strengthen the alumni association of the department
- To acquire more sophisticated equipment from UGC as well as BCUD research funding
- To inculcate research culture among the students
- To start TY B Sc. at under graduation level for Chemistry